Put an end to excess saliva with Swallow Prompt

This simple app allows you to set the frequency of the reminders to swallow. Also on Apple Watch.

Excess saliva can be an unpleasant and embarrassing problem

Swallow Prompt has been designed to help people who have difficulty in managing their saliva (drooling). This includes people with reduced sensation or awareness such as those with Parkinson’s Disease, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy or Learning Difficulties. It has been designed and tested by a specialist Speech and Language Therapist.

Read our review and recommendation by Parkinson's UK

Swallow Prompt

This simple app allows you to set the frequency of the reminders to swallow

Set the frequency

Set the frequency of the reminders to swallow, ranging from every 1 second to every 6 minutes.

Tone or Vibration

You can set the reminders either as a tone or a vibration.

Bluetooth or wired headset

Allows patients to hear the discrete prompt over a wired or Bluetooth headset or on Apple Watch.


  • Kidz OT

    Kidz OT


    11 Feb

    I am a pediatric OT and had a child I was working that had no awareness when saliva was pooling in her mouth or when her chin was wet. She follows verbal directions. I told her to swallow when she felt the tickle (vibration). I placed my IPhone in the hood of her jacket. It worked! This was the first time that she had a dry chin for 30 min. Prior to this she went through 3-4 wet bibs while in school. I am telling allĀ of my OT friends about it. Best app that I have purchased related to my profession

  • Jenny J M

    Jenny J M


    08 Jan

    Thank you for creating this. As a speech therapist I trial this will my neuro patients. So easy to use in clinic, hospital and home settings.

  • Rachel Clare

    Rachel Clare


    20 Feb

    Great app! This is just what I was looking for. Really clear and simple to use. I like that you can choose to have the reminder via a vibration, sound (which you can choose) or both. Cannot wait to recommend this to patients.

Media coverage

We had the pleasure of been featured by the following orgnaisation:

Recommended by my therapy NHS recommended apps - my-therappy.co.uk

Recommended by National Foundation of Swallowing Disorders  - swallowingdisorderfoundation.com

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